84 research outputs found

    Impacts of WeChat on Millennials’ Perceptions and Consumption Behaviors in the Hotel Industry

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    Social media, known as interactive Web 2.0 Internet-based applications, has deeply changed and reformed interpersonal communication and business operation with the wide spread of Internet and the development of technology. In the past few years, since mobile apps are becoming more and more popular, the access of social media is not limited to tablet computers only, but is also available for almost all kinds of smart phone devices, such as iPhone, Android, Symbian and so on. The function of social media is not confined to real- time message transmission or information sharing any more. It has expanded to a widely range of features, such as online purchase and payment, e-commerce business, and service for different types of social events. Social media plays an increasingly important role in daily personal life as well as in business activities. People are not merely considered as social media users, but also the component of social media itself. As a result, it is very crucial for people to realize the importance and impacts of social media, especially for those business operators. WeChat (Weixin in Chinses, literally “micro message”) is a cross-platform instant text and voice messaging communication service for multiple mobile devices, developed by Tecent in China, first released in the January of 2011. It is claimed to provide “the new way to connect” and create “a way of life”. It is free to download, install and register, and support all kinds of smart phone platforms with multiple language versions, such as Chinese, English, Japanese, French, and Spanish. WeChat provides its users different ways to communicate and interact with friends innovatively through instant text messaging, hold-to-talk voice messaging, group messaging, lively video sharing, location sharing, money transferring, and contact information sharing. Among all the WeChat users, Millennials is the majority. With the growing-up of Millennials, they are becoming more and more powerful and important to the society and will be the next target segmentation for most of the industries in the very near future. Especially for the hotel industry, the industry that urges to attract Millennials patrons for further substantial development, how to attract Millennials is becoming a critical issue for those hotel operators

    Can senior executive characteristics improve carbon emission performance? Evidence from China

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    In recent years, the backbone of China's market economy has involved controlling corporate carbon emissions and reducing environmental pollution. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the characteristics of senior managers and the carbon emission performance of enterprises. The empirical study used panel data on high-emission industries operating in the China A-shares market from 2014 to 2017. The results showed that the natural age, education level, and professional background of senior managers in high-emission enterprises were negatively correlated with the carbon emission performance of enterprises. However, in the case of large enterprises, there is no strong relationship between the natural age of executives and carbon emission performance, while professional background and education level are negatively correlated with carbon emission performance. However, natural age is significantly related to carbon emission performance in small and medium-sized enterprises. In the regional classification of enterprises, the natural age and professional background of the core executives of high-emitting enterprises in the eastern region are negatively correlated with carbon emission performance, while the professional background of the core executives of high-emitting enterprises in the central and western regions is positively correlated with carbon emission performance. Moreover, the natural age and educational level of executives are negatively correlated with carbon emission performance. To measure the carbon emission performance of an enterprise, the study used the balanced scorecard evaluation system (CEP). Meanwhile, it innovatively classifies and sorts the sample companies based on their overall size and distribution area, and analyzes the carbon performance and executive characteristics from two perspectives. The study provides suggestions and countermeasures for companies in China, especially those in high-emission industries, to help reduce pollution

    Cascade degradation and upcycling of polystyrene waste to high-value chemicals

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    Plastic waste represents one of the most urgent environmental challenges facing humankind. Upcycling has been proposed to solve the low profitability and high market sensitivity of known recycling methods. Existing upcycling methods operate under energy-intense conditions and use precious-metal catalysts, but produce low-value oligomers, monomers, and common aromatics. Herein, we report a tandem degradation-upcycling strategy to exploit high-value chemicals from polystyrene (PS) waste with high selectivity. We first degrade PS waste to aromatics using ultraviolet (UV) light and then valorize the intermediate to diphenylmethane. Low-cost AlCl3 catalyzes both the reactions of degradation and upcycling at ambient temperatures under atmospheric pressure. The degraded intermediates can advantageously serve as solvents for processing the solid plastic wastes, forming a self-sustainable circuitry. The low-value-input and high-value-output approach is thus substantially more sustainable and economically viable than conventional thermal processes, which operate at high-temperature, high-pressure conditions and use precious-metal catalysts, but produce low-value oligomers, monomers, and common aromatics. The cascade strategy is resilient to impurities from plastic waste streams and is generalizable to other high-value chemicals (e.g., benzophenone, 1,2-diphenylethane, and 4-phenyl-4-oxo butyric acid). The upcycling to diphenylmethane was tested at 1-kg laboratory scale and attested by industrial-scale techno-economic analysis, demonstrating sustainability and economic viability without government subsidies or tax credits

    Influence of composite slope geometrical parameters on soft rock slope stability

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    Purpose. To analyze the key parameters influencing the stability of a composite soft rock slope. Methods. Description of the key geometrical parameters of a composite slope and their influence on soft rock slope stability. Numerical simulation is performed to validate the primary effects of the key geometrical parameters of a composite slope on stability without consideration of external factors such as ground water, seismic and blasting factors. Findings. This paper put forward the influence pattern of the dumping height, excavation depth, slope angle, dumping angle, and dumping position on the safety factor of the composite slope. Furthermore, the results prove that as the dump is moved away from the reference crest or toe, the factor of safety increases. Thus, improvement of the safety factor on the critical sliding surface is defined by the area of the parallelogram. Also, when the critical position of the dump away from the edge is exceeded and the lateral pressure induced by the superimposition of the waste dump has no influence on the critical sliding surface, failure takes place in the surface mines slope and stability is relatively controlled by the mechanical strength and geometrical parameters of the surface mines slope. Originality. The paper provides a pioneering detailed description of the interactions of the key geometrical parameters of a composite slope and their influence on stability and the factor of safety. Practical implications. The results can be used for designing and stability analysis of composite slopes.Мета. Обґрунтування параметрів, що визначають стійкість укосу, складених зі змішаних м'яких порід на основі проведення чисельного моделювання. Методика. Застосовано чисельне моделювання для визначення базового впливу основних геометричних параметрів композитного борту на його стабільність без урахування таких зовнішніх факторів, як грунтові води, сейсмічний та вибуховий вплив. Схема впливу глибини виїмки, висоти розвантаження, кута нахилу, кута розвантаження і положення розвантаження на фактор безпеки композитного укосу була проаналізована за допомогою FLAC/Slope. Результати. Доведено, що, чим більше відстань між відвалом і верхньої або нижньої бровкою уступу, тим вище фактор безпеки, а поліпшення фактору безпеки по критичній поверхні ковзання визначається площею паралелограма. Встановлено, що якщо відстань між відвалом і бровкою відвалу більше критичного і бічного тиску, що виникає за рахунок нашарування відвалу, то вона не впливає на критичну поверхню ковзання і на поверхні укосу виникають деформації, в той час як його стійкість знаходиться під відносним впливом механічної міцності й геометричних параметрів укосу. Визначено, що висота схилу впливає не тільки на фактор безпеки, але і на режим руйнування, зі збільшенням висоти відносний внесок зчеплення в загальний опір зменшується, однак для дуже високих ухилів стабільний кут нахилу наближається до кута тертя. Наукова новизна. Виявлено новий характер взаємодії між основними геометричними параметрами композитного укосу та їх впливу на стабільність та фактор безпеки. Практична значимість. Результати дослідження можуть бути використані для проектування та аналізу стабільності композитних укосів, складених з м'яких порід.Цель. Обоснование параметров, определяющих устойчивость откоса, сложенного из смешанных мягких пород на основе проведения численного моделирования. Методика. Применено численное моделирование для определения базового воздействия основных геометрических параметров композитного борта на его стабильность без учета таких внешних факторов, как грунтовые воды, сейсмическое и взрывное воздействие. Схема влияния глубины выемки, высоты разгрузки, угла наклона, угла разгрузки и положения разгрузки на фактор безопасности композитного откоса была проанализирована с помощью FLAC/Slope. Результаты. Доказано, что, чем больше расстояние между отвалом и верхней или нижней бровкой уступа, тем выше фактор безопасности, а улучшение фактора безопасности по критической поверхности скольжения определяется площадью параллелограмма. Установлено, что если расстояние между отвалом и бровкой отвала больше критического и бокового давления, возникающего за счет напластования отвала, то не оказывается влияния на критическую поверхность скольжения и на поверхности откоса возникают деформации, в то время как его устойчивость находится под относительным влиянием механической прочности и геометрических параметров откоса. Определено, что высота склона влияет не только на фактор безопасности, но и на режим разрушения, с увеличением высоты относительный вклад сцепления в общее сопротивление уменьшается, однако для очень высоких уклонов стабильный угол наклона приближается к углу трения. Научная новизна. Выявлен новый характер взаимодействия между основными геометрическими параметрами композитного откоса и их влияния на стабильность и фактор безопасности. Практическая значимость. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы для проектирования и анализа стабильности композитных откосов, сложенных из мягких пород.The support of everyone during the said research work is appreciated. The authors have no conflict of interest

    Hierarchical activation of compartmentalized pools of AMPK depends on severity of nutrient or energy stress

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    AMPK, a master regulator of metabolic homeostasis, is activated by both AMP-dependent and AMP-independent mechanisms. The conditions under which these different mechanisms operate, and their biological implications are unclear. Here, we show that, depending on the degree of elevation of cellular AMP, distinct compartmentalized pools of AMPK are activated, phosphorylating different sets of targets. Low glucose activates AMPK exclusively through the AMP-independent, AXIN-based pathway in lysosomes to phosphorylate targets such as ACC1 and SREBP1c, exerting early anti-anabolic and pro-catabolic roles. Moderate increases in AMP expand this to activate cytosolic AMPK also in an AXIN-dependent manner. In contrast, high concentrations of AMP, arising from severe nutrient stress, activate all pools of AMPK independently of AXIN. Surprisingly, mitochondrion-localized AMPK is activated to phosphorylate ACC2 and mitochondrial fission factor (MFF) only during severe nutrient stress. Our findings reveal a spatiotemporal basis for hierarchical activation of different pools of AMPK during differing degrees of stress severity

    Transient Receptor Potential V Channels Are Essential for Glucose Sensing by Aldolase and AMPK

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    Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) aldolase links sensing of declining glucose availability to AMPK activation via the lysosomal pathway. However, how aldolase transmits lack of occupancy by FBP to AMPK activation remains unclear. Here, we show that FBP-unoccupied aldolase interacts with and inhibits endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-localized transient receptor potential channel subfamily V, inhibiting calcium release in low glucose. The decrease of calcium at contact sites between ER and lysosome renders the inhibited TRPV accessible to bind the lysosomal v-ATPase that then recruits AXIN:LKB1 to activate AMPK independently of AMP. Genetic depletion of TRPVs blocks glucose starvation-induced AMPK activation in cells and liver of mice, and in nematodes, indicative of physical requirement of TRPVs. Pharmacological inhibition of TRPVs activates AMPK and elevates NAD(+) levels in aged muscles, rejuvenating the animals' running capacity. Our study elucidates that TRPVs relay the FBP-free status of aldolase to the reconfiguration of v-ATPase, leading to AMPK activation in low glucose

    Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate and aldolase mediate glucose sensing by AMPK

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    葡萄糖是生物中最基本、最主要的营养物质,它不仅是机体能量的主要来源,也是生物质合成的主要原料。因此,葡萄糖的水平对于生物体是极其重要的。然而,在生活中,体内葡萄糖水平的波动是十分常见的,这是因为我们不可能每时每刻都在摄入葡萄糖:睡一大觉、剧烈运动几个小时或者太忙了没时间吃饭,都会引起葡萄糖水平的显著下降。这时,机体能够触发一套有效的过程应对这类“不利情况”,其中最为关键的就是激活“代谢的核心调节”——AMPK。在葡萄糖水平下降时,被激活的AMPK能够迅速启动脂肪、蛋白质的分解代谢,关闭它们的合成代谢,从而起到维持机体的能量和物质代谢的平衡,弥补机体因葡萄糖不足引起的胁迫压力。那么,机体如何感受葡萄糖水平下降,并“传递”给AMPK使其激活呢?林圣彩教授课题组的这项研究正是发现了生理状态下机体感受葡萄糖水平的机制。通过研究他们发现,无论在不含葡萄糖的细胞培养条件下,还是在饥饿的低血糖的动物体内,都不能观测到AMP水平的上升,这充分说明了机体有一套尚不为人知的、独立于AMP的感应葡萄糖水平的机制。在进一步的研究中他们揭示了这一完整过程:葡萄糖水平下降将引起的葡萄糖代谢中间物——果糖1,6-二磷酸(fructose-1,6-bisphosphate)水平的下降,该过程进一步地被糖酵解通路上的代谢酶——醛缩酶(aldolase)感应,因为醛缩酶正是将含有6个碳原子的果糖1,6-二磷酸裂解成三碳糖的酶,一旦醛缩酶“吃不到”由葡萄糖衍生的果糖1,6-二磷酸,它便“翻脸”,传递给也正是林圣彩教授课题组先前发现的溶酶体途径进而激活AMPK。该过程完全不涉及AMP水平,即能量水平的变化,是一条全新的、完全建立在实际的生理情况上的通路。林圣彩教授进一步地把葡萄糖水平总结为一种“状态信号”,以区别于传统的“能量信号”。据悉,该葡萄糖感知通路的发现对开发用于治疗肥胖症,乃至延长寿命的药物具有深远的意义。【Abstract】The major energy source for most cells is glucose, from which ATP is generated via glycolysis and/or oxidative metabolism. Glucose deprivation activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)1, but it is unclear whether this activation occurs solely via changes in AMP or ADP, the classical activators of AMPK2, 3, 4, 5. Here, we describe an AMP/ADP-independent mechanism that triggers AMPK activation by sensing the absence of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP), with AMPK being progressively activated as extracellular glucose and intracellular FBP decrease. When unoccupied by FBP, aldolases promote the formation of a lysosomal complex containing at least v-ATPase, ragulator, axin, liver kinase B1 (LKB1) and AMPK, which has previously been shown to be required for AMPK activation6, 7. Knockdown of aldolases activates AMPK even in cells with abundant glucose, whereas the catalysis-defective D34S aldolase mutant, which still binds FBP, blocks AMPK activation. Cell-free reconstitution assays show that addition of FBP disrupts the association of axin and LKB1 with v-ATPase and ragulator. Importantly, in some cell types AMP/ATP and ADP/ATP ratios remain unchanged during acute glucose starvation, and intact AMP-binding sites on AMPK are not required for AMPK activation. These results establish that aldolase, as well as being a glycolytic enzyme, is a sensor of glucose availability that regulates AMPK.D.G.H. was supported by an Investigator Award from the Wellcome Trust (097726) and a Programme Grant from Cancer Research UK (C37030/A15101). S.-C.L. was supported by grants from the National Key Research and Development Project of China (2016YFA0502001) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (#31430094, #31690101, #31571214, #31601152 and #J1310027)

    AMP as a Low-Energy Charge Signal Autonomously Initiates Assembly of AXIN-AMPK-LKB1 Complex for AMPK Activation

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    The AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a master regulator of metabolic homeostasis by sensing cellular energy status. AMPK is mainly activated via phosphorylation by LKB1 when cellular AMP/ADP levels are increased. However, how AMP/ADP brings about AMPK phosphorylation remains unclear. Here, we show that it is AMP, but not ADP, that drives AXIN to directly tether LKB1 to phosphorylate AMPK. The complex formation of AXIN-AMPK-LKB1 is greatly enhanced in glucose-starved or AICAR-treated cells and in cell-free systems supplemented with exogenous AMP. Depletion of AXIN abrogated starvation-induced AMPK-LKB1 colocalization. Importantly, adenovirus-based knockdown of AXIN in the mouse liver impaired AMPK activation and caused exacerbated fatty liver after starvation, underscoring an essential role of AXIN in AMPK activation. These findings demonstrate an initiating role of AMP and demonstrate that AXIN directly transmits AMP binding of AMPK to its activation by LKB1, uncovering the mechanistic route for AMP to elicit AMPK activation by LKB1.http://news.xmu.edu.cn/s/13/t/542/22/a9/info139945.ht